Online Lessons

Customized One-On-One
Online Movement-Based Lessons


Online Lessons

Customized one-on-one
online movement-based lessons

Customized one-on-one online lessons are a good option if you have previous experience with mindful movement – for example, yoga, tai-chi or meditation – or if you are a performer who has good body awareness through performing arts or sports.

When we meet online for your movement-based lessons, I will verbally guide you through a series of slow, mindful movements designed specifically for you to help you discover what your body needs in order to move with greater comfort and ease.

During your lesson, I’ll also ask questions that will help you notice the quality of your movement and what you are sensing, feeling and thinking as you move.

At the end of your lesson, we’ll take time to talk about what you noticed and experienced.

For example: What was your experience of your body at the beginning of the lesson and how did that experience change? What did you notice about the quality of your movement? Did any part of what you noticed or experienced bring a new awareness or something unexpected?

This is a movement-based method of learning, so by repeating this learning process in our lessons together and connecting it to what is happening in your life, your awareness for how to move, live and perform better will grow.

How your online lessons get customized

Your first lesson. You will be asked to answer a few questions about your issues and concerns when you schedule your first lesson online.

Based on your answers, I will create your customized lesson plan. I may email you with follow-up questions if further clarification is needed in order for me to create your individualized plan.

Future lessons. Customization of your future lessons will be based on the discussions we have at the close of each of your lessons. That way, each lesson is planned based on what you need, what I observe and the changes you experience as you progress over time.

Watch Feldenkrais for Everyday Life

This video shows how the movement-based lesson connects to the movement of everyday life.



10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

All lessons are Pacific Time

Online lesson pricing

▸▸ Lessons may be purchased individually (one at a time), or you can save by prepurchasing a package of 3 or 5 lessons. 
▸▸ If you purchase a package, no refunds will be given after you have completed the first lesson. Your purchased lesson/package will be valid for 6 months after the date of your payment.

1 online lesson

$90 USD

▸▸ 1 customized one-on-one online lesson
▸▸ Approximately 45 minutes

3 online lessons

$240 USD

▸▸ 3 customized one-on-one online lessons
▸▸ Approximately 45 minutes per lesson

5 online lessons

$375 USD

▸▸ 5 customized one-on-one online lessons
▸▸ Approximately 45 minutes per lesson

If you have any questions about movement-based lessons or want to find out if they’re right for you, visit my FAQ page or contact me. I’m happy to talk with you.

“The breathing lesson made me start to realize how my body and breathing were falling apart as I was stressed out and had anxiety during the beginning of pandemic and elections. By paying attention to my breathing, I was able to reconnect my body and breathing together.

— Y, Greater Seattle, Washington

“Yuka’s breathing lesson revealed what I did not know, such as the tension of my body. The quality of my breath was obviously changed—smoother and deeper—and my body became lighter and looser through attention to my breath. The outcomes were similar to receiving a massage or acupuncture session.”

— Ayumi, Yoga Instructor
San Diego, California

“The lessons have invited me to start accepting my aging gracefully. I hear a voice of ‘let’s enjoy my life’ mindfully with less effort.”

— Anonymous

An easy way to get grounded and present.

Get an occasional note from Yuka that includes a mini movement-based lesson to help you get grounded and present. You'll also receive periodic tips, announcements and invitations to work together.